Jul 282011

Prakruti Creations led by Mr.B.Srinivas & Mr.H.V.Praveen Kumar both from YPS Bangalore arranged a 3Day Nature Photography Workshop at BandipurΒ  Karnataka from 21st-23rd July 2011 & stay was at the very best Jungle Lodges Bandipur πŸ™‚ .

We all left Bangalore at 6:30 in morning, had breakfast at Ramanagara & reached JLR campus at around 11:30am covering 220Km from Bangalore.Β  We dumped luggages in the cottage, rechecked gears , a quick freshen up followed by an Icebreaker on workshop. Totally 22 Participants took part in this workshop including some kids who accompanied their parents.


The kickoff to some action started with Crested Serpent Eagle on way to park & photos shown are shots of the entire 3day trip at Bandipur National Park .



Crested Serpent Eagle


Cow Elephant mud bathing , CalfΒ  scratching & thinking of doing next mischief .


Indian Gaur family grazing the leftover patch of grass. The lighting was dull & overcast so, made it in monotone & also I hate “LANTANA” & “PARTHENIUM” weeds in photographs πŸ™ .

Something has to be done on controlling Lantana & Parthenium weed growth in forests, its going to be a major impact on Bio-diversity of grasslands. Please suggest a sustainable & long term solution apart from burning or using toxic chemicals.


Striped Necked Mongoose.

Spotted Deer

Chital or Spotted Deer (Axis axis)

Second day morning safari was really awesome as we spotted Tiger & Tusker at close counters.


Sniffing scent markings


I Love the white patch on the back of the ears. Sometimes the white patch acts as False eyes for any predators attacking from back.

Scent Marking the territory.

Spotted Deer

Herd of Spotted deers lazing in drizzling rain

Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus)

Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus)

This male Tusker is around 40years of age & you can notice that its huge tusks have met or joined to each other leaving no gap in between the tusks , making it tough to raise its trunk. But he is a real massive & handsome fella of Bandpiur.

Indian Peafowl-male (Peacock)

One more cool guy – Indian Peafowl Male (Peacock) .

Indian Wild Dog (Dhole)

Indian Wild Dog (Dhole)

It was a memorable trip & would love to come back again πŸ™‚ so postponed our Leopard sightings for the next trip πŸ˜‰ ..

Finally the Group Photo shoot.

Prakruti-Group Photo

For more photographs of Bandipur click Here .

  9 Responses to “Bandipur July 2011”

  1. Very nice trip report Saandip, Keep them coming πŸ™‚

  2. Saandip after going through the short writeup of Bandipur visit along with photos it is so lovely, we feel as if we are in the Jungle. Mine its a first visit and its a Memorable Trip. Love to visit the place once again.
    with regards. Raja. A.

  3. Very very beautiful photography Saandip sir.

  4. πŸ™‚ Thansk Krups .. Yes have more pics & will upload time to time of FB ..

  5. ha.. it was a great trip…and and was great to meet you too…

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